FastVal Functional Requirements Template

This is an example of a Functional Requirements specification generated from the FastVal functional requirements template.


Download the Functional Specification for the Example Validation Spreadsheet, generated from the FastVal Functional Requirements template.

How the FastVal Functional Requirements Template is Used in Validation

FastVal users enter relevant project parameters, such as system name. FastVal facilitates the process of gathering requirements and inserts the requirements into the FRS. Users add any additional information about the requirements. Users have the option of documenting the corresponding design specifications and test protocols associated with the functional requirement. FastVal supports collaboration within the project team, allowing team members to make and address comments within the document. Functional requirements can be approved (with electronic signatures) within FastVal or exported to MS Word and maintained within your existing document management system.

Using functional requirements templates in FastVal allows validation engineers to create higher quality functional requirements, corresponding to organizational guidelines, in less time. Functional requirements are created with fewer mistakes and require less approval time. The decreased time required to produce and approve validation documents allows additional validation resources to be dedicated towards testing and verifying system functionality. Validation managers have greater control over their department with real-time document status and validation team member performance metrics.

FastVal Validation Document Generation

FastVal includes templates for all validation documents, including Functional Requirements. Validation document content can be configured to your organization’s specific needs and exported to any MS Word document. FastVal can create any validation document your process requires, including:

FastVal Key Features