Software Validation Inadequate

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Warning Letter: Failure to document software validation (ucm258853)

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Failure to adequately document software validation activities and results for computers or [redacted] systems used as part of production, as required by 21 CFR 820.70(i). For example, there is no documentation of validation having been performed on the software systems that operate the [redacted], which moves [redacted] pallets from [redacted] to shipping[redacted]. There are no documented quality system procedures for the control of the [redacted] finished product warehouse (UP [redacted]) and your firm’s [redacted] department does not operate within your firm’s quality system.

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Warning Letter: Failure to provide validation documentation (ucm257575)

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Failure to establish and maintain procedures for validating the device design, i.e. software validation , which is required by 21 CFR 820.30(g). For example, your firm did not establish a software validation procedure or a software validation plan for software version 12.1. We acknowledge, since the release of software version 12.1 on August 27, 2008, that you have conducted a retrospective software validation for software versions 10.14-12.1; however, this was not conducted until June 8-August 20, 2010. Additionally, our inspection noted these “retrospective” testing activities lacked testing activities typically performed during a software validation, such as updated software requirements specification, a source code evaluation, and user site testing.

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Warning Letter: Failure to conduct complete validation (ucm255936)

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Failure to check input to and output from the computer or related system of formulas or other records or data for accuracy [21 CFR 211.68(b)]. For example, your firm went live with version 2.0.0 of the Hemocare Lifeline (HCLL) Donor Module on March 2, 2009, however, the validation of Module 15, Product Labeling, was incomplete in that it was not reviewed, accepted, or signed off by a responsible individual.

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Warning Letter: Failure to validate (ucm257091)

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Failure to establish and maintain adequate procedures for the identification, documentation, validation or where appropriate verification, review, and approval of design changes before their implementation, as required by 21 CFR 820.30(i). For example, your firm was unable to provide a documented design development timeline or work instruction for IMPAX CV 7.8.SU1 of the IMPAX CV 7.8 software design change that resulted in [redacted], approval for Global Release and Delivery on 7/30/2010.

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Warning Letter: Failure to validate a change (ucm252701)

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Failure to establish and maintain adequate procedures for the identification, documentation, validation or where appropriate verification, review, and approval of design changes before their implementation as required by 21 CFR 820.30(i). For example: Your firm issued an ECN (R9180) on July 7, 2009, which changed the revision of the controller software used in the 300B and 700B model scooters from revision #8 to revision #9. This change increased the motor resistance from [redacted]. There is no documentation to indicate that this change was validated/verified .

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Warning Letter: No documentation of software validation results (ucm247475)

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Documentation of all software validation results  for the i.v.STATION was not completed per your firm’s Design Control, (D R&D 33.00) and the Design and Development Planning (P R&D 01.01) procedures. For the [redacted]  software validation test, the output is to verify that the procedure was completed correctly and that the “bag contains the requested volume of the drug.” The test completion date and the volume of the drug were not recorded. Additionally, successful completion of the [redacted]software validation test is to verify “that the syringe contains the required volume of drug.” The completion date and the volume of the drug in the syringe were not recorded, per procedure, for this test as well.

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Warning Letter: Failed to validate input/output (ucm214564)

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Your firm failed to check the accuracy of the input to and output from the computer or related systems of formulas or other records or data and establish the degree and frequency of input/output verifications. For example, the performance qualification of your [redacted] system software (Validation No. 4000-03-PQ-0002) failed to include verification of the expiration date calculations in the [redacted] system. In addition, there is no established degree and frequency of performing the verification. Discrepancy reports have documented that product labeling with incorrect expiration dates have been created and issued for use.

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Warning Letter: Uncontrolled spreadsheets (ucm227896)

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Your firm has failed to exercise appropriate controls over computer or related systems to assure that changes in master production and control records, or other records, are instituted only by authorized personnel [21 C.F.R § 211.68(b)].

  • Your firm’s laboratory analysts have the ability to access and delete raw chromatographic data located on the [redacted] of [redacted] used to conduct HPLC testing. Due to this unrestrictive access, there is no assurance that laboratory records and raw data are accurate and valid.
  • Your firm’s laboratory analysts have the ability to access and modify the  formulas in the Excel spreadsheets  used to calculate assay results for Guaifenesin and [redacted] drug products. Due to this unrestricted access, there is  no assurance that the formulas in the Excel spreadsheets are accurate and valid.

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Warning Letter: Lack of security for electronic data (ucm197966)

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Your firm has not exercised appropriate controls over computer or related systems to assure that changes in master production and control records or other records are instituted only by authorized personnel [21 CFR 211.68(b)].

For example, your firm lacks systems to ensure that all electronic data generated in your Quality Control laboratory is secure and remains unaltered. All analysts have system administrator privileges that allow them to modify, overwrite, and delete original raw data files on the [redacted] used [redacted] in the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) units. There are no procedures that address the security measures in place for generation and modification of electronic data files for these instruments used for raw material, in-process, finished product and stability testing. In addition, your firm’s review of laboratory data does not include a review of an audit trail or revision history to determine if unapproved changes have been made.
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Warning Letter: Failure to test input/output (ucm173977)

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Failure to check input to and output from the computer or related systems of formulas or other records or data for accuracy as required by 21 CFR 211.68 (b). Specifically, duplicate donor records were created when your firm changed from [redacted] Computer System to [redacted] Computer System on December 2, 2008. The duplicate donor records do not always agree regarding donor eligibility status. For example,  The donor cited in Item 1 is assigned a [redacted] donor identification number of [redacted] and has an eligibility status of “indefinitely deferred”. The same donor has a [redacted] identification number of [redacted] and has an eligibility status of “eligible”.

  •  The final disposition of the leukocytes reduced red blood cells and recovered plasma components processed from this unit were not documented in your firm’s computer system and on the Blood Donation Record as required by SOP.
  •  You received confirmatory positive Recombinant Immuno Blot Assay (RIBA) and positive HCV-Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) results for this donor on June 10, 2008. However during the current FDA inspection, this donor’s eligibility status was listed as “eligible” in your [redacted] Computer System.

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